It's not very often that I partake in the consumption of light beers. Usually, the only time I do is at festivities and events where there is no other choice.
I was a little low on beer budget money this week so I decided to just go the cheap route and pick something up to quench my thirst. I guess you could say that I was bummin' it. Anyways, what did I think...Well, not too much.
Consumed in a pilsner glass straight from A 40oz bottle. December 21, 2011 expiration date. "Super cold."
Coors Light is 4.2% abv and is brewed by Coors Brewing Company in Colorado, USA.
Look - Very pale. Light yellow color...reminiscent of a well hydrated piss. What else is to expect from a light beer? Poured about 2 inches worth of head that was bubbly like soap and dissipated rapidly. I'd say it lasted under a minute or two. Honestly, I didn't pay much attention to it because I figured it wasn't worth noting too much. A lot of carbonation bubbled up like a thick fountain of suds. Some of the most carbonation I have ever seen.
Smell - As hard as I may have tried, I was unable to really detect too much of anything in this beer. The little that i did pick up was a bunch of adjuncty corn and just a tad bit of an off putting, metallic smell. I'm not too sure where the metallic smell is coming from. Definitely has to be from the brewing process. I didn't pick up any barley malt or hops at all. Definitely disappointing but you know what? I won't give it a hard time because of the kind of beer it is. It's meant to be unoffensive and the smell definitely did not offend me one bit.
Taste/Mouthfeel: Like I said earlier, it's not offensive at all. Very easy drinking, easy going. What I did get was a toss up of some fresh corn, a bit of husk and a very light tinge of some old hops. Actually, it tastes like bananas. Does anyone else get that from Coors Light or is it just me? Some definite banana funk going on there. The mouthfeel is very prickly, no doubt from the carbonation. Very smooth, as most types of this beer tend to be. Nothing offensive. Very easy to drink. Could definitely quench your thirst on a hot day if you weren't looking to drink complete water and was looking for something that had a bit of a beer taste to it.
You know...over all, it's not disgusting. Would I seek it out? Not particularly, no. I did today though. I paid $3 USD for a 40oz bottle of this and I can't really say that I regret it.
Coors get a 1.5/5 in the American Adjunct Light Lager category. Kudos...
**I have two other 40oz beers to review as well. Look forward to having those up in the next few days.