Tonight's brew is an ESB from Redhook.
"Brewed in the style of a traditional British ESB (Extra Special Bitter), we’ve been making ESB continuously since 1987, and it’s now the benchmark for the Amber beer category. Despite having “bitter” in its name, Redhook ESB is really not that bitter at all. This brew is all about the balance of caramel malt sweetness completed by spicy, citrusy hops."
I picked this brew up from Franklin Village Distributor in Kittanning, PA. I paid about $27 for a 24 pack of bottles. Not too bad. Especially for the quality of the nectar contained within the bottles.
The logo that Redhook uses is really quite amazing, I think. The mountain stretching up to the sky with the words; "Redhook" in between. Really something I can get behind, you know? Anyways, let's discuss the brew a bit.
Redhook Extra Special Bitter
Redhook ESB is 5.8% ABV
Coming in at 28 IBUS
13.75 degrees plato for an original gravity
Brewed since 1987
Has won Gold awards at the 2008 & 2009 at the ABA and ABF
The bottle that Redhook ESB comes in is
actually quite intriguing. As you can see, they
are not the normal bottles that most people will be accustomed too. They are a tad short and stubby with a very short neck. The cap is
not a twist off so you will need something to
open it with other than your hands...unless you're some sort of tough guy or something.
Since this was my first try of anything from Redhook, I had to completely clear my mind so that I could make an honest, wholesome review and also clear my palate so that I had no odd, off, or misplaced flavors floating around in there.
Upon popping the cap off I noticed a bit of
smoke billow out from the bottle. It was not
too much, definitely have seen far more. However, it's not about the smoke, it's about the beer. I poured the contents of these stubby bottles into my 16 oz English pint glass. The
beautiful golden, amber body quickly filled my glass leading to about a half an inch worth of head that did not stick around for all that long. A bit disappointing on the head section. I let the beer sit for a few seconds to watch the
medium sized bubbles quickly make a dash for the top of the glass. Plenty of stragglers where left clinging to the side of my glass throughout my consumption of this beer.At first smell I didn't really get too much of anything. A lot of people may be expecting this
to be a super hopped up brew, but it really isn't. Being called an ESB or Extra Special Bitter does not actually mean this beer is that bitter. My fiance does think it's bitter, but she is not a hop head in the least bit. An almost sweet, honey like smell made itself present. It seems that was the strongest scent I get from the beer. Some toasty malts and a bit of grassy hops try to sneak in, but they are easily powerbombed to the mat by the honey scent.
The beer actually starts off quite malty in taste. The honey-ness of the bees is back for a second round as well. I'm not sure why but I just can't shake the honey sweet taste that this beer has. It reminds of honey grahams, the cereal (at least I think that's what it's called.)
Anyways, the honey like malts are very present but they lead into a very nice, and smooth lemon rind hop bite. Not too bitter. If you are a huge hop head and expecting something extreme, this is not the beer for you. Everything in this beer works together perfectly and is balanced just right. No one aspect overpowers the other. The carbonation is very tight and even tingles the tongue a bit. The beer is very smooth, the only downfall is that it really is just a bit watery. I wish the mouth feel could have worked out just a little better (or should I say bitter) but I guess it fits the style well.
Over all this is definitely not a beer I would turn down and I can truthfully say that it is now one of my favorites. As for being a good or great representation of the ESB style...I can't really say for sure. The only other English bitters I have had are Boddington's and Tetley's Ale. I found those both to be pretty enjoyable as do I with Redhook ESB.
I give Redhook ESB a resounding 4/5 . OBTAIN RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT

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