Friday, December 16, 2011

Salzburger Stiegl Lager Pils

Served into A glass from A green, 11.2 Fl.oz bottle.  $2.50 at the House of 1000 Beers.

Stiegl Pils is A German Pilsener coming in at 4.90% ABV.
Brewed by Stieglbrauerei zu Salzburg GmbH

Look: Poured A pale, golden, yellow color.  Was glowing like the sun in my glass. Completely clear and very clean. Almost no head formed even with a fairly aggressive pour. Active carbonation flowing through the brew. This beer resembles the look of apple cider.

Smell: Some honey malt, light toasted biscuits. A bit of skunkyness escapes into the air. I am really hoping that the skunkyness does not carry over into the flavor. I also picked up just A bit of some earthy hoppyness and some mineral hints from the water.

Taste: I am surprised at how chocolaty the malt tastes for such A light beer.  I definitely pick the malt up at the front. I also get some honey, biscuits, A little butter, and some light roasted coffee.  The mineral in the water really hits afterwards and  becomes A bit earthy.  The middle to end picks up the bitterness from the earthy hops and finishes quite dry and bitter. Hops attribute a nice earthy, slightly piney bite.  I did pick up the smallest amount of skunkyness that left as the beer sat.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied. A little slick.  The beer slides down like just about any other Euro-lager. The beer does have some biting carbonation that stings the under part of the tongue.

Overall: A fine example of Euro-lagers. Nothing too special but also nothing that will turn anyone away. I did find it to be borderline boring and i'm not sure if I have A reason to ever get this one again.

Stiegl gets A 3.8/5.

One of the better Euro-lagers, nothing special though.

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