Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ballantine XXX Ale

Alright ladies and Gentlemen, here we go again. I was originally going to explain the history of Ballantine, but it's far too long and complicated a story. Instead, i'll just give you a link to a site that goes very in depth on it's history. HERE

I've had my go at some pretty cheap swill. I consider this a cheap beer, however I do not consider it to be swill. I bought this one at Myrna's Beer Outlet in Tarentum, PA for $19.99 + tax.

Ballantine XXX Ale comes in green bottles. Yeah, yeah, I bottles. They aren't known for keeping beer in it's tip top shape, but oh well. The date stamped on the bottle is May 09, 2011. Only about 2 months old. Not
shabby. Falstaff Brewing stamped on the label.

Twisting the bottle cap off reveals a decent
amount of smoke. There's a fellow I watch, who does reviews, on Youtube; Joe D. He's real into smoke and would be most proud of the pyre that develops from inside the bottle. I will be consuming this from a tulip glass.

Appearance - Pours a very deep, golden color. The best way I could describe it is cut,
wet hay. Plenty of bubbly carbonation
working it's way to the top of the brew. Not too much of a head to speak of. I didn't really pour it that aggressively though since I was drinking it from a tulip glass and doubted that a large head would fit without exploding over and flooding my kitchen in sticky suds... What I did get was about a fingers worth of white, fluffy suds that floated on top like a boat in calm waters. Didn't stick around for all that long. Gone and lonely in about a minute flat.

Aroma - Fairly sweet nose at first. After taking a few more whiffs I was getting a little bit of a light malt and some subdued hops in the background. I really wish that the hops scent was more brave than it is. I'm not too keen on the sweet scent that this brew gives off.

Taste/Mouthefeel - Here is where this $20 brew becomes not just a cheap beer, but a
pretty well done, cheap beer. First glug reveals some pretty good hop bitterness right up front that follows into a light malt middle. After you get through the middle you get this odd medicinal taste that only sticks around for a short second. But, this medicinal sweetness is a bit off putting for me, not enough for me to dislike this brew, but I just can't get over that taste... I'm not even sure what it is. Corn? The beer starts off a bit sweet with some pretty good hops and finishes with a tad of hop bitterness.
The beer contains far more hops than any of your standard macro lagers or "retro" beers. The only one that even comes close is Schlitz, but that's a tale for another time.
The beer is fairly watery, which is a bit of a downfall. I would have liked it to be a bit more sturdy but I won't complain all too much. Carbonation is really vamped up and a bit in your face. Not enough that it burns the back of your throat or esophagus out, but your tongue has a bit of a boxing match in store.

Over all, you know what this really makes me think? This is your grandfather's beer. This is what he use to drink back in the 50's and 60's, while smoking a hearty cigar. I would hardly consider this a good American Ale or Ale showing, but you know what for $20 I will
definitely start keeping this beer on rotation in my fridge. This has easily become my new, favorite, "cheap" beer.

For it's price and style, plus it's pronounced hop flavor and bitterness, i'll give Ballantine XXX Ale a 4/5.

*Forgot to mention that the caps come with nifty, little puzzles on the underside. Rad.

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